Rejestracja telefoniczna tel. 77 556 06 19, ul. Pawłowicka 6, 47-208 Reńska Wieś

Success stories

Make it to the hall of fame!

mgr Katarzyna Cedzich


mgr Szymon Szeja


mgr Sandra Friedrich


Edward and Anny

Couple's Health Coaching

…and many other testimonials too

People I've worked with tend to speak a lot about their change!

  • “Not only is Lisa an amazing cook/nutritionist with great ideas who I learned SO much from, but my one-on-one meetings with her where we would just ‘chat over tea’ were most inspirational.  I always left with a sense of confidence that I could do, or cook, anything!”
  • Kasia z Rogowa: “Zadzwoniłam do nich i faktycznie - plecy już mnie nie bolą!”
  • “I really like that it wasn’t about telling me what I should or had to do or when or how to do it, but more about providing all kinds of information to help me make the best decisions for me”

Change your life for ever!

Contact me now for your first appointment